online retirement planning class

Tax & Retirement Education
Online Virtual Power

Learn how to reduce your taxes by using strategies that can potentially lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars saved over the course of your retirement. This is a condensed version of our live Tax & Retirement Education classes hosted at colleges across San Diego County.

  • Strategies to help reduce taxes before new tax laws expire
  • Offset capital gains tax
  • Generate tax-free retirement income
  • Create a tax-efficient retirement withdrawal strategy
  • Learn where to locate your investments for higher after-tax returns

Over 4 million people have attended the full length course and other financial education classes developed by this seminar publisher.

Featured On:

Hourly Schedule

Thursday, August 24

6:30 - 7:30 pm
Virtual Power Hour
Michael Roy
Michael Roy
Wealth Advisor
In his role as a Wealth Advisor, Michael helps families across the country with goal-based financial planning and retirement readiness. Prior to starting his career, Michael served in the Navy for four years and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Science with an emphasis in Applied Economics from Florida State University. After graduating, Michael spent 18 years working for a $192 billion investment manager based out of Texas, one of the largest in the country. In his time there, Michael served in various client focused roles including capital market research, portfolio construction, and household wealth management. Most recently, he served as the Regional Vice President of Florida. Michael joined Canter Wealth due to his passion for helping families achieve their goals through robust financial planning and a fiduciary standard of care for investment management. Michael holds his Series 65 License and is currently pursuing his CFP® designation. In his free time, Michael and his wife enjoy spending time with family, hiking with their two dogs, boating, skiing and volunteering.


Aug 24, 2023


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 24, 2023
  • Time: 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

